
SAINT JAM3S – 2023 FEATURED ARTIST Come see Saint Jam3s’ art at the 2023 Art is Everywhere event on August 3rd in Tampa. Purchase tickets here: https://bit.ly/3…KiWbUf Find Saint Jam3s on IG: @jameslovesplanet I’m the artist, Saint James and I make sense of the world through concepts like love and grief, death and rebirth, humility and harmony; connecting the dots from one to another. My creative process is sacred and ritualistic as I open my mind to an evolving matrix. Never beginning in the same place twice, I find a new version of myself in each piece. This shadow work, as I refer to it, is pivotal to true healing. Tunneling a pathway for belonging and connection to rise to the surface. In this way, my identity and existence are crucially defined. There’s an intimate process in painting as I work around the canvas from all angles. Layering acrylics and diving into heavy topics like self-worth, self-sacrifice, nurture, and narcissism. Every project is an obsession and stirs a restlessness until it’s complete. I welcome you to explore my deepest thoughts and passions. Creating endlessly, I hope to reach another with the space and capacity to receive it. Without the two halves coming together, the connection remains orbital yet trusting. www.stjam3s.com
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